Display Graph¶
The Display Graph button in the lower left of your window gives you access to loudness and DPI information. To open the graph, click the <Display Graph> button.
The Display Graph window opens. On the left hand side of the window, click the drop-down box under Active Channels to choose the channel for which you wish to display information.
Choose your Category List, your Measurement Type, and the Measurement Level. The graph will populate with your information.
The granularity of your graph is determined by the time frame you choose in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
The longer the time span you display in the graph, the less granular the information is. Specifically:
7 days gives you measurements in 30 minute segments
1 day gives you measurements in 3 minute segments
3 hours gives you measurements in 30 second segments
60 minutes gives you measurements in 15 second segments
30 minutes gives you measurements in 5 second segments
15 minutes gives you measurements in 5 second segments