When adding services to a lineup

This is a services filtering capability when adding services to a lineup depending on the bouquets selected, to determine which services are offered to be added to the new lineup.

Figure: Intersection of services between bouquets

Figure: Intersection of services between bouquets

  • Scripted Service: Contains a script to access special services such as menu navigation, VOD asset acquisition or STB diagnostics and (may) dial digits to access channels

    • Scripted (not linear) services are listed (for selection) without filtering (e.g. dialing numbers directly from within the script….)

Example: In figure “Lineup Service List” section above, only services in common to “Ccast Bouquet” and “Vizon Bouquet” are listed for selection to ensure that translated dial number will work correctly at the corresponding STBs/geographic location.


Add services to a lineup with the <Add Service> button in figure above and in figure “Services list”, section @0.

Figure: Add Lineup Service Dialog-box

Figure: Add Lineup Service Dialog-box

Service Name

To be included in lineup

Script Name

Select from the dropdown to change the default script. Change here prevents automatic modification later at the Services level from reaching the lineup (see “Lineup and Bouquet Import Rules” section)


Provides more weight to certain services in lineup as compared to others such as with recurrence of “3” the service will be scanned three times per scan cycle more often than others with a recurrence of “1”


For configuration see schedule in “Managing services”