Managing lineups

This section provides instructions to create and manage monitoring lineups. A lineup is composed of a sequence of services assembled to scan, monitor and test channels. The RPM encoder takes its monitoring instructions from the services listed in its lineup. A service includes script, schedule and recurrence. Script details what to check, which thresholds to use; and schedule when to run, the times of day and days of the week. Finally, the recurrence can be used to emphasize the importance of certain services by increasing the number of times the will be monitored in a scan cycle in comparison to other services set with the default value of “1”. Before scanning of specific channels is possible, bouquets need to be defined to translate services to specific channel (dial) numbers.

As all encoders of each probe needs a lineup, you will need to create several lineups and assign them for the different encodes. Each RPM encoder can be assigned a primary and a secondary lineup. The RPM concatenates the two lineups before scanning.

While the RPM system provides a considerable range of flexibility through its advanced scripting features, at the same time to help the user it includes practical default scripts and schedules so that you can get your monitoring system up and running quickly and easily.