Edit lineup Services

A lineup can be modified with parameters similar to when adding a lineup, see “Figure: Modify Lineup Dialog-Box”. Click the “Edit” icon to “Edit Lineup Service Dialog-box”. This is called modifying script at the lineup level.

Figure: Edit Lineup Service Dialog-box

Figure: Edit Lineup Service Dialog-box

Script modification rule - Service and lineup levels

Script of a service modified at the lineup level (just above) will make it immune from script changes made at the service level , i.e., “Creating a service manually” section @0. But when a script of a service is not modified at the lineup level, a change at the service level will carry over to the lineup level.

Script modification example - Service and lineup levels

Services level: Service 1 and 2 configured with the following default scripts at the service level:

Service 1 <= Script A

Initialize Service 1 with script A

Service 2 <= Script B

Initialize Service 2 with script B

Lineup level: Lineup services and scripts modified, “Edit Lineup Services” section @2.3:

Service 1 (default)

Services level default not modified

Service 2 <= Script C

Services level default modified with Script C

New Services level modifications: Service 1 and 2 modified with Script D

Service 1 <= Script D

Service level change

Service 2<= Script D

Service level change

Service 1 <= Script D

Lineup level: Modified by the Service level change because it was not previously modified at the Lineup level

Service 2 = Script C

Lineup level: Service’s script not modified by the Service level change because the script was already modified at the lineup level (made it immune from service level change)

Service Schedule Modification Rule

Service Schedule modified at the lineup level will make it immune from being modified at the service level – analogous to “Script Modification Rule” above.