Bouquet Import Rules

Importing allows the creation of a new bouquet or the merging of additional services to an existing bouquet:

  • Use “new” checkboxes to import comma delimited (*.csv) file format to create a new bouquet

  • An attempt to create a new bouquet with the same name as one that exists will be rejected with a warning shown to the right:

  • Select bouquet (but not the new checkbox)

    • Update the select bouquet with new services imported

    • Service not present in the “global services list” will be added to it

  • Service present in the imported file and selected bouquet but mapped to a different channel number will get updated in the bouquet (from the imported number).

  • Imported channel number already used in the selected bouquet by a different service will not update the bouquet but will update the “global services list”. The RPM will report the bouquet as a partially successful import.

The different possible modes for the “Import bouquet” dialog-box are shown in the table below:

Bouquet Import Operation

Press the <Browse> button to look for a *.csv file to import

Modes of operation depending on the state of the “New” checkbox:

New (Checkbox)

Bouquet (Name-field)


Import file as a new bouquet and type its name

Not checked

Select bouquet (from a dropdown list)

Import bouquet when “New” box is checked

Import bouquet when “New” box is checked

  1. If an imported bouquet exists , then services from both sources will be merged

    • Services not existing in a bouquet will be added to it

    • Existing services dial numbers will be updated

    • Services missing in the imported file but defined in the Bouquet will remain in the bouquet

  2. If an imported bouquet does not exist, then it will get created in the Observer

Example of Bouquet Import File


Dial Number

CSV File Format

A! Entertainment


A! Entertainment,34







Family Channel


Family Channel,26