Scheduled recording tab¶
The scheduled recording features enabled you to capture a program using the set-top-box remote control feature. The Channel dashboard works much the same as with other tabs. Use the search feature to limit the display to specific encoders.
Pending and completed jobs are displayed to the right. Hovering over a job highlights it in blue. Clicking the <Play> icon plays the program once it has been recorded and enables you to create a bookmarked clip. The <Delete> icon removes the recording. If the program has not yet been recorded use the <Edit> icon to modify the event.
Create a scheduled recording¶
To create a new scheduled recording click the <New> icon at the top of the page. This opens the Add schedule recording pane.
Event name: enter a descriptive name for the recording.
Bouquet: use this dropdown to select a Bouquet. Bouquets are logical grouping of channels associated with a STB.
Service: select the specific channel you are interested in recording.
From/to: enter Start and end times.
Encoder: refers to the STB used to capture the program. At any given time only a single program can be recorded on a given STB. If there is a scheduling conflict that STB is greyed out. In the example shown STB1 is busy during the needed time period so you need to select one of the other STBs.
Recurrence: the default occurrence is a single recording. The Recurrence option allows you to override this default and capture the program multiple times.
Notes: optional descriptive text about the event.
Press <Save> to create the event. A confirmation appears at the top of the screen indicating the event was created.