Searching bookmarks

The left hand search pane allows you to select only those bookmarks of interest. Search criteria include:

Keyword: searches words in the bookmark description.

Owner: account name of the person who created the bookmark. MIS does smart matching as you type the account name so you don’t have to type the entire name.

Time range: limit search to date bookmark was created or modified or to a video time range.

Channel list: restricts search to specific channels. The feature may be expanded or collapsed by pressing the chevron on the right. Typing all or part of a channel name into the Filter text box limits the display to matching channels.

Last searches: remembers the last 5 searches; this feature may also be expanded or collapsed by pressing the chevron on the right.

Once you have entered your search criteria press <Search> at the bottom of the pane. The page will be refreshed with only bookmarks that match the search criteria. To clear search parameters press <Reset>.

Let’s say you want to review all the Bookmarks for CBS and PBS. Expand the channel list if not already expanded and select CBS and PBS. Press <Search>. The page will refresh, but now it only shows bookmarks that match your search criteria. The number of matches is displayed in the upper right. In this case there are more bookmarks than can be displayed at one time so you need to use the <Scroll> bar at the extreme right.

Figure: Bookmark search result

Figure: Bookmark search result

Note: since we searched by channel the displayed clips have multiple owners. Whether or not a particular Bookmark is visible depends on how the Bookmark owner set sharing policy.

Figure: Bookmark ribbon

Figure: Bookmark ribbon

The ribbon above the bookmark list provides tools to manage and combine bookmarks. The Icon descriptions from left to right are:

image Select/deselect all: this is useful if you need to merge bookmarks, rather than individually selecting each one

image Create new bookmark: displays channel list allowing you to select a channel, time, date to create a new bookmark

image Combine selected bookmarks: combines multiple clips into one, this edit feature operates the same as when the clip was first created

image Email selected bookmarks: email bookmarks to specific entities

Remove selected bookmarks Remove selected bookmarks: deletes all selected bookmarks

Three additional functions Three additional functions: Export list, Purge all bookmarks and Deselect all

<Export list> saves bookmark list to a spreadsheet

Figure: Bookmark list spreadsheet

Figure: Bookmark list spreadsheet

<Purge all bookmarks> deletes all bookmarks

<Deselect all> deselects (unchecks) any selected bookmarks

image List view: shrinks the thumbnail and display more information about the bookmark

image Grid view: displays thumbnail and description of the bookmark

image Auto refresh: automatically updates the page every 30 seconds

image Customize columns: only displayed in List view, check or uncheck desired columns.

Figure: Customize bookmark columns

Figure: Customize bookmark columns

Page #: If there is a lengthy bookmark list that straddles multiple pages you can use these icons to go to a specific page.