Settings - SNMP Receivers

This section configures MIP to accept polling requests from the “Network Management Systems” (NMS). The MIP SNMP implementation is read-only. The management console is able to query MIP for status but not change settings via SNMP. MIP issues traps reporting unusual events to the management console.

Figure: SNMP Receivers

Figure: SNMP Receivers

Table: SNMP Receiver Settings


Enter the version your NMS uses. MIP supports SNMP v1 and SNMP v2.


Password to establish connectivity with the SNMP receiver. This is public by default (unrestricted access).


URL or IP of destination where the trap is to be sent. Set to localhost if all requests originate on the same machine as CS.


Enter the port used for SNMP traffic with the host. Well-Known SNMP is port 162.


List of Active Directory Groups.

Add/Edit SNMP Receiver Settings

To create a new SNMP Receiver, click the <Add> button at the top of the page. To edit an existing Receiver, hover over the Receiver name and right click on the <Edit> icon on the right hand side. Enter the appropriate values and press <Save>.

Figure: Add New SNMP Receiver Window

Figure: Add New SNMP Receiver Window