
Use this page to configure system wide global settings.

System – General

Figure: System General

Figure: System General

Table: Central Server – General Settings

System date:

Pulldown to select desired Year-month-day format.

HF location:

Hot Folder path, default: C:\hotfolder.

Server host

Central Server IP address on LAN.

Web server IP address

Central Server Web IP address.

Manual mode timeout

Not yet implemented. Feature will allow UIRT remote control of the STB.

Switch Login page

Allows you to substitute a different welcome page when user access is disabled.

Enable login for every account

Normal login page – all users are able to access the system.

Enable login for administrators only

Display alternative login page when a user attempts to log into the system. Does not affect Administrator account.

Reason to disabled login:

Text message displayed when users are prevented from accessing the system. Example: “System maintenance underway – system will be back online by 5AM Tuesday.”

Enable strong password policy

Enabling this option requires users to periodically reset passphrase and use a combination of characters to create strong passwords. The system will refuse to accept a passphrase change if it does not meet the requirements and will prompt the user with the requirements.

The criterion for password acceptance is:

  1. Minimum of eight characters

  2. One Upper case letter

  3. One lower case letter

  4. One number

  5. One symbol character

  6. NO REPEATING characters

(This feature is not currently implemented)

Email alerts sent address

From email address used for email sent by Central Server.

Attached logo

Attach company logo to the alert email. Permissible file types: JPG, GIF, PNG.