This page displays all user accounts. If your system has a large number of users use the Dashboard Search feature to restrict how many accounts are displayed. The Admin account is built into MIP and cannot be deleted.
Adding/Modifying Account¶
Click the <Add New User> to create a new account or hover over an existing account and press the <Edit> icon at the extreme right of the entry. The Edit User panel at the right of the page lets you modify account features. The <Roles> section toward the bottom of the page allows you to specify which aspects of MIP the account is able to access.
Change Password¶
From time to time it may be necessary for the MIP administrator to change a user’s password. Use the <Edit> feature and enter the new password twice.
Suspend Account¶
If you need to temporarily prevent a user from accessing MIP, use the <Edit> feature to change Status from Active to Inactive. This prevents the user from logging into the system but does not delete the account.
Delete Account¶
To delete an account hover over the name and click on the <Trash Can> icon at the extreme right of the account name.
Export Account List¶
MIP allows you to create an Account Excel spreadsheet. Click the <More> icon at the top of the page and press <Export List>. A dialog box opens allowing you to view the file or save it to your workstation.