Creating Bookmarked Clips

MIP allows you to search manually for the content you wish to bookmark. You can create individual clips by marking the video stream. You can also create multiple clips at once by opening multiple streams. For example, if you <Mark In> and <Mark Out> with four streams open, MIP will create four clips.

Consider a circumstance in which a customer wishes assurance that their commercial did, in fact, play at 3:45 PM on THIS-TV. Start by calling up the THIS-TV stream. Use the calendar function to select to desired date and time.

Figure THIS-TV Clip

Figure THIS-TV Clip

Press the <Mark In> button to initiate the clip creation process. To mark the end of the clip you have two options. Pressing the <Mark Out> button manually terminates the clip. The other option uses the <Quick Clip> button to the right of the <Mark Out> button. Pressing <Quick Clip> will automatically create a clip of the specified length. The player timeline will highlight the duration of the clip. To define clip length press the <up> triangle, this displays a list of preset clip lengths. Once you select a length it is displayed on the face of the <Quick Clip> button.

The player control buttons allow stepping forward and backward on a frame by frame basis enabling you to precisely mark the section of interest.