The probe configuration page contains two sections. The left-hand pane is the dashboard. It allows you to select the desired group, or <All> groups. The right-hand pane provides a hierarchal view of the group, probes and individual encoders. In the dashboard to the right of each group is a number indicating how many probes and encoders are in the group.
At the top of the dashboard there are three icons that allow you to create a new group, rename a group and delete a group. Below that is a text search bar in case there are a large number of groups.
Under the probe section click the <Encoder> icon to display how many encoders are configured in each probe server. Encoders are hardware capture cards capable of ingesting one or more streams (channels). Select <Media Hubs> to display how many media hubs are configured in each probe. A media hub is software running on the probe responsible for transport stream ingest and streaming stored h.264 video to end users. <TS inputs> lists transport stream ingest card sources in each probe server.
Add probe: Volicon support is responsible for adding additional probes. Use this icon to assign an IP address to a new probe sever.
Sync all probes in group: syncs all displayed probe groups with the current configuration.
Expand/collapse all: toggles display between just probes and probes with associated encoders.
Probe status indicates if it is inaccessible, or running and accessible.
The status of each encoder is displayed in text to the right of the name next to a color-coded icon (green checkmark – all is well, red X stopped).
Hovering anywhere on the probe line turns the background blue and displays five icons in the upper-right corner: <Assign profile>, <Create & assign profile>, <Sync>, <Edit> and <Delete>.
Assign profile: is a planned future feature.
Create and Assign Profile: is a planned future feature.
Sync: synchronizes the probe. A pop-up asks if you want to sync with <Current> or <Previous>. Selecting <Current> updates the probe with the changes you just made to its configuration. Selecting <Previous> allows you to revert to the old probe configuration. This comes in handy if the changes you made did not yield the desired results.
Edit probe: is the same as clicking on the probe name and opens the probe edit window.
Delete: Removes the entire probe. This only applies to empty groups when no probes have been assigned.