SNMP receivers

This section configures MIS to accept polling requests from the “Network Management Systems” (NMS). The MIS SNMP implementation is read-only. The management console is able to query MIS for status but not change settings via SNMP. MIS issues traps reporting unusual events to the management console.

image Select/deselect page: Toggle between select and deselect of all receivers

image Add receiver: Create new receiver

image Delete: delete selected receivers

image Customize columns: use this feature to select which columns to display

Figure: SNMP receivers

Figure: SNMP receivers

Table: SNMP receiver settings


Enter the version your NMS uses. MIS supports SNMP v1 and SNMP v2


Public by default (unrestricted access), a password is required to establish connectivity with the SNMP receiver


This is the URL or IP of the destination where the trap is to be sent; set it to localhost if all requests originate on the same machine as central server


Enter the port used for SNMP traffic with the host; well-known SNMP is port 161


This is a list of active directory groups.

Add/edit SNMP receiver settings

To create a new SNMP receiver, click the <Add receiver> button at the top of the page. To edit an existing receiver, hover over the receiver name and right click on the <Edit> icon on the right-hand side. Enter the appropriate values and press <Save>.